Fabuliss Helps Dawn Discover Her 100 Best Colors…Including Purple!

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Dawn is a client that style team Fabuliss & Ditto & Co. met at a recent Hip Chicks event.

She is preparing to make some changes and decided it made sense to incorporate color and clothing fit as part of her process.

There are four basic steps to Dawn’s Custom Color Analysis, one of our core services:

  1. First we identify eye colors, hair colors and skin tone.  In some cases, this can be eye opening to clients who may know their eyes are blue but aren’t familiar with the exact shades of blue.  As you can see in the photos above, Dawn has stunning steel blue eyes.
  2. Using individually coded color chips (or swatches), we evaluate 1,500 colors against each client’s neutralized skin.  This step takes about 90 minutes.
  3. As colors are selected, a palette of each client’s best colors begin to emerge.  In Dawn’s case, she had no idea purple was a color that would look good on her.
  4. After reviewing all 1,500 colors, a custom color palette is established.  When you put a rogue color into the mix, it clearly sticks out.

In about 1 week, Dawn will receive her personalized set of swatches that fit perfectly into an eyeglasses case.  She will be able to take this into her closet to evaluate what to keep and what to give away as well as to the store – from clothes to makeup – to make shopping easier and more efficient.

Are you ready to make a few changes?  Do you want to make shopping easier?  Learn more about Fabuliss Services & Packages >

{ Fabuliss helps you discover and express your personal style for camera-ready confidence with personalized color, fit and shopping services. }

{ Fabuliss.com, hello@fabuliss.com, text or call 612-554-4629 }

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